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Alissa Adams is a Developmental English Editor, proofreader, and graphic designer with an AA degree in Graphic Design. She has over 15 years of experience.
Alissa like to write and can help with editing or proofreading as part of a project. She has participated in the Ignite course at Proofreading Anywhere to polish her proofreading skills and is part of Distributed Proofreaders, helping Project Gutenberg convert old texts to e-format.
In 2023, Alissa Adams joined the EvaCodes team. Since then, she has edited over 100 other authors’ articles.
Alissa Adams has over 15 years of experience.
Alissa participated in the Ignite course at Proofreading Anywhere to polish her proofreading skills and is part of Distributed Proofreaders, helping Project Gutenberg convert old texts to e-format.
In 2023, Alissa Adams joined the EvaCodes team.
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