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Blockchain Development Company

Business processes are being revolutionized by blockchain technology. Nearly every sector is ready to implement it, from banking and investment to healthcare and even the arts. Entrepreneurs, businesses, and policymakers alike are seeing the blockchain's promise to streamline and improve processes while lowering costs.

Finished Projects
Blockchain agency by Clutch in 2022
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Custom Blockchain Software Development

We work with companies of all different sizes to ensure the implementation of trustworthy and secure distributed ledger technology. We are able to cater to the requirements of any organization thanks to the fact that we not only code our own blockchain solutions, but we also add new features and modify current ones.

We create the blueprint for your product’s success

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Our Blockchain Development Services

How flexible is the blockchain in allowing for different applications? It’s entirely up to you! No matter where you are in the product development process (minimum viable product, pilot, full-scale deployment, or product elaboration), our team is ready to jump in and take charge.

Blockchain Technology Consulting

Blockchain Technology Consulting

Our blockchain experts will analyze your current business processes, outline your requirements for a blockchain solution, and provide you with an estimate of the value that blockchain applications could bring to your company.

DeFi dApp Development

dApps Development

From strategy to development and deployment, our blockchain experts create enterprise-grade decentralized apps that cut down on time to market and increase return on investment for their customers.

NFT Marketplace Design & Development

NFT marketplace development

We assist businesses in establishing protocol-specific decentralized NFT marketplaces to facilitate NFT trading, bidding, and selling of digital assets. To address interoperability issues, we create cross-chain marketplaces that make it easier to mint multi-chain compatible NFTs.

Metaverse App Development

Metaverse development

We offer development services for the Metaverse for a wide variety of projects, including NFT marketplaces, social media, and 3D games, and we have vast expertise working with blockchain technology, NFTs, and Crypto development tools.

Blockchain Supply Chain Development

Blockchain Supply Chain Development

We create, deploy, and maintain blockchain supply chain systems that provide complete transparency throughout the product's path and help eliminate communication gaps and data-transfer issues.

Custom Blockchain App Development

Custom Blockchain App Development

We offer scalable,robust custom blockchain software solutions for corporations and startups using blockchain platforms such as Tezos, Hyperledger, Polkadot, Tron, Stellar, and EOS.

DeFi Smart Contract Development

Smart Contracts Development

As part of our smart contract development, we build and release smart contracts that can run independently on both public and private blockchain networks. We have developed smart contracts for crowdfunding, blockchain supply chain solutions, NFT projects, and a variety of dApps.

DEX Development

Decentralized Exchange

Our blockchain app development services can create powerful, hack-proof decentralized exchange platforms on Android and iOS to enable the secure and efficient exchange of digital currencies in real time.

DeFi Wallet Development

Blockchain Wallet Development

Our blockchain experts design and build state-of-the-art digital and mobile wallets with cross-chain token-swapping capabilities that enable the purchase, sale, and exchange of a wide variety of digital assets and currencies.

DeFi Token Development


Our blockchain development team can help you tokenize whatever asset you desire while maintaining trust, transparency, and efficiency. All kinds of assets benefit from tokenization because it makes them more liquid and stable.

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Blockchain Development Platforms We Work On

Ethereum blockchain development


Ethereum offers various benefits to companies considering utilizing blockchain technology solutions and services, thanks to its widespread adoption, smart contract capability, and its high level of security. The benefits include an unprecedented level of performance, unmatched levels of anonymity, lightning-fast tokenization, minimal prices, and high deployment speeds.

Polkadot blockchain development


Polkadot is an open-source web3 blockchain network that allows for interoperability and connectivity.

Tezos blockchain development


Tezos is a decentralized platform for smart contracts that utilizes an on-chain governance architecture. This model enables the blockchain to make modifications automatically and does so without the need for a hard fork (split into two cryptos).

Hedera blockchain development


Hedera is an Acrylic graph DLT solution that is fair, fast, and safe for constructing EVM-compatible, high-speed blockchain solutions.

hyperledger blockchain development


Our specialists use the Hyperledger platform to provide blockchain application development services with modular architecture. This ensures that our solutions provide a high level of resiliency, flexibility, and scalability for their respective environments.

Stellar blockchain development


Stellar is a free-to-use open-source platform for the creation of financial products that connect people from all over the world.

Substrate blockchain development


Substrate is a framework for developing blockchain applications. We use Substrate, ink!, and RUST to create relay chains, parachains, cross-chain bridges, and dApps.

Avalanche blockchain development


Using the Avalanche protocol, programmers can build custom blockchain networks that combine public blockchain and unpermitted use cases.

Cardano blockchain development


Corda is a blockchain platform that is open source and designed for enterprises.

Near protocol blockchain development

Near Protocol

Near is a layer-1 blockchain with smart contracts that is designed to allow next-generation dApp development.

Our Blockchain Application Development Process

The EvaCodes blockchain development firm develops stable and scalable software based on your specifications. Our blockchain team uses a tried and true methodology that allows for rapid iteration and early product maturity. Our process has been fine-tuned to adapt to the ever-changing nature of blockchain technology thanks to our expertise in developing over a hundred blockchain-powered applications.

Blockchain Consulting

We help businesses understand what blockchain technology can do for them. We investigate markets, assess project feasibility, examine blockchain platforms and tools, and determine which features should be prioritized.

Discovery Stage

We analyze the applicability of blockchain technologies, define the extent of the data, and decide which data will be made public and which will be kept private.

Product Feasibility Study

We choose right blockchain for your project. Development of a proof of concept (PoC).

User Experience & Technical Design

Every blockchain project we work on features sleek, user-friendly aesthetics. The technical design is the blueprint for the whole system, and it includes things like specifications of technical components, the writing of user stories, and the structuring of the platform's database.

Enterprise Blockchain Development

Our blockchain engineers work with clients from the earliest stages of product development to deliver scalable, enterprise-grade applications and custom blockchain solutions that cut down on deployment times.


To establish your blockchain network, our team goes through a procedure of backend deployment, frontend deployment, blockchain network configuration, and node validation. Additionally, we conduct pre-release testing of all deployed applications, including smart contracts and dApps.


Upgrades to operating systems, third-party software, and new releases are all things that we keep an eye on and help manage. If you encounter significant problems, our blockchain developers are ready to assist you.

Migration & Upgrades

We offer technical assistance that is essential for the smooth transition of your existing apps to blockchain or from one blockchain protocol to another, as well as the maintenance of dApp upgrades, to guarantee that there is no downtime.

Why choose us for custom blockchain development?

Lengthy track record

We have extensive experience in digital product development and a proven track record of completing 50+ successful DeFi and blockchain-related projects.

Demonstrated client satisfaction

Companies have named us a top-rated blockchain vendor. We understand how to address your business challenges with the appropriate technical solutions.

DeFi, NFT, and P2E expertise

The EvaCodes blockchain development company has developed extensive competence in popular sectors such as DeFi, NFT, and P2E game development. While other tech businesses are still experimenting with tokenization, we already have an established history with tokenization-related projects.

Increased competitive advantage

The EvaCodes blockchain software development company offers tailored blockchain solutions that can help your organization obtain a strategic competitive advantage. Our strategy includes exploration phase product roadmap development, business analysis, AML/KYC compliance solutions, DevOps processes, security services, and more.

Excellent project management

We ensure that your project runs smoothly from start to finish thanks to our project managers' abilities to eliminate risks.

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A free consultation to discuss blockchain development services.
There is no obligation, just a friendly chat to see if we can help.

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Our Engagement Models

EvaCodes is a blockchain services provider with a reputation for success across multiple industries and a dedication to constant improvement, making it an ideal partner for developing the foundation of your future application. As a part of our first blockchain consulting services, we'll help you mold your vision and ideas into workable use cases and recommend the best technology stack, team makeup, and product design before we ever begin production. Our team will devote itself fully to learning about your project from the ground up, from brainstorming to co-design, so that we can create blockchain development solutions tailored specifically to your objectives and the unique challenges your business faces.

Dedicated Development Team

The blockchain developers that work on our platform have firsthand experience dealing with cognitive technologies in order to deliver our customers solutions and services of the highest possible quality.

Team Extension

Our approach to expanding teams is intended to help clients who want to supplement their pre-existing teams with people who have the specialized knowledge required for their projects.

Project-based Model

Our software development specialists, as well as our employees who deal with project-based models, are always ready to talk with our customers and work with particular client projects.

Our offices

  • 651 N BROAD ST, STE 206 Middletown, DE 19709, United States
  • 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  • str. Dorohozhytska, 3 Kyiv, 02000 Ukraine
  • 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  • +380736113097
  • 24/15 Azatutyan Avenue Yerevan 0018 Armenia
  • 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Our Blockchain Development Work

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All-in-One Multi-Chain DEX


Defi Yop – Yield Optimization Platform


Wealth Protocol – Crypto-Wealth Management application


EvaCodes Reviews

5.0 37 REVIEWS

Blog Articles

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Blockchain Implementation: A Complete Guide

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Blockchain

How Much Does It Cost to Build and Implement Blockchain

How to start blockchain startup

How to Start a Blockchain Startup: 7 Steps to Your Blockchain Startup

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Web3 Security: Comprehensive guide

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    Ruslan Pavlov
    Chief Business Development Officer at EvaCodes